Rest. In. Peace.

August 27, 2009

So – Senator Kennedy died on Tuesday night. He will be laid to rest this coming Saturday. The procession is going on right now. His family is keeping supporters updated via twitter.

Michael Jackson died on June 24th.

His f*ing family is still fighting over where and when he should be buried. It’s been over two months!! TWO MONTHS?! Poor Michael can’t even roll in his grave over the stupidity of his family drama because he hasn’t gotten there yet.

Also – I was flipping channels today and came across Brooke Knows Best, Hulk Hogan’s daughter’s reality “TV show.” Linda (Hulk’s soon-to-be-ex-wife) just can’t understand why her daughter has a problem with her dating Charlie, this 19-year-old adolescent guy who is currently her “soulmate.” (Her daughter is 21 years old)

In the words of Linda, “I don’t know why she has a problem with me dating Charlie, he’s 19-years-old, he’s practically 20!!”

Gee, Linda. I don’t see the problem, either.

(insert eye-roll here)

We need more Kennedy Families in the world.

Rest in peace, Senator Kennedy. You were one hell of a senator.

Sarah #1